Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why We Love Sports

"Sports" are more than just games. Behind the billion dollar industry are deep roots. The roots go beyond the million dollar contracts to young, dumb, unprepared athletes. Underneath the spoiling aspects of sports (steroids, fixing games cough* Tim Donaghy cough*) is a pure and beautiful human creation.

So why does our society love sports so much?

First off, professional sports are a business. The man behind the team wants to win games. Winning more games equals more fans and more fans equals more money. Simple business. Because sports are so competitive, only the very best and most dedicated make it to the "bigs". Have you ever seen Kobe Bryant beat his man off the dribble, split two defenders, then finish at the rim with his opposite hand? It's humbling. I'll never ever be able to do that no matter how many hours I spend at Gold's Gym playing basketball. That is part of the alure of sports. Remember Santonio Holmes touchdown grab in the corner of the endzone to seal the deal on sports biggest stage, the Super Bowl? We only wish we could jump that high, maintain enough focus on catching the ball, and sustain the awareness to drag BOTH feet into the endzone.

What do all of my friends have in common? They all love sports! Sports bring people together in ways that few realize. The 66,000+ fans who come together ten plus Sunday's a year, deprive their wallets (have you seen ticket prices these days?!) for one cause; to see the Seattle Seahawks pummel the opposing team. During the game, the man sitting to your left might have had season tickets since the inaugural season. Chat about the team's underachieving performance in Holmgren's last year or discuss whether Julius Jones is the right fit at running back since former MVP Shaun Alexander (don't get me started with the "MVP").

And to take a trip down memory lane, sports have brought me so many great memories in my young life. Playing tackle football in the snow with my brother, cousin and best friend or hitting a game winning three pointer in game seven on the hardcourt. Sports, if nothing, makes the old feel young. Would you rather be 45 in a demanding job, or 12 years old diving for a whiffle ball in the grass? It is good to be young. Thank you, Sports

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